This website will help to create a better gamer by teaching skills that are essential to most every type of First Person Shooter (FPS). Games are like porn, same basic things, with a slightly different look. However, games are not like women, if you spend time with a game, eventually you can figure it out.
Learning to play a FPS game in an online format can be frustrating, because some players have an edge due to the time they have been playing. Dieing repeatedly is not a fun and relaxing way to spend your time. By reading these tips, and applying them during games, you can go from the hunted to the hunter.
About me:
I first started playing FPS games in 2000, in Delta Force 2, by Nova Logic. It was a great way for me to have fun and learn more about applying a lot of the military strategies that I had learned. After a long time of solo play, joined a team, and then left with another player to form a new team. That team has been around since March of 2001. Some of the original members are still on the team. Currently we play Black Hawk Down by Nova Logic, and Call of Duty 2 by Activision. Playing time for me is usually 5 nights a week, for a few hours a night. There are a few things that I don't like to see in a game, they are: Snipers Opponents that have 0 deaths Experienced players that run around shooting noobs. These are the people that I will target and go after first. It's too easy to shoot the new players and make them leave the game, it's funner to go after the experienced players.