First Person Shooter Strategies
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FPS Games
Game Evaluation
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Map Reading
Mission Planning
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Improvised Teamwork
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Making a Team
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Computer Hardware
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Screen Shots

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Hardware is one of the least important things to devote resources to. It's like a set of golf clubs, a great golfer can hit almost any club and make good shots, but a poor golfer can still make terrible shots with a great set of clubs. You have to meet the minimum standards to play the game with your computer, but going for overkill on the hardware doesn't always achieve success.

Spend your money on the right things, and spend your time on improving your skills, not looking for the latest and greatest hardware.

A personal story: When I first started playing FPS games in 2000, the computing speeds were not that high. My first system was a 400Mhz Intel(R) CPU on an Intel(R) motherboard. At the time the 500 Mhz CPUs were a lot more expensive, and 1Ghz was outragous. During the next year, the computer speeds went up to 1Ghz and more. I kept my same 400 Mhz box, and was still competitive. There were people who had a serious edge when they were running 1.2 Ghz systems, so Outflank was a word to live by. I upgraded to a 1.2 Ghz system when the high end was 1.8 Ghz or so. I saved a lot of money over a 1.8 Ghz box, and people immediately felt the effects of me on a better system. You don't have to have the fastest computer if you have good tactics. Currently I run a 1.8 Ghz system, and do pretty good against the 3-4 Ghz machines. In 2001, it was a big difference between a 400 Mhz and a 1.2Ghz, with current computing speeds, it's not as much of a difference between a 1.8 Ghz and a 4 Ghz machine.

Get a decent speed processor, a good high speed video card, plenty of RAM, and you're set.

These are not based on an extensive testing and evaluation, I bought a decent system, and made it work good for me, you may have different opinions.
My personal preferences:
Soyo Motherboards always worked well for me.
Mushkin RAM was the most dependable.
AMD processors seem to work better for gaming.
PNY 128MB DDR AGP 8x video card was a good balance between cost and performance.
Hard disks have been frequently changed and all worked about the same. Always format 2 hard disks at a time, and keep 1 as a backup.
The CRT monitors are still a bit crisper and brighter for the money, I use a 21" NEC, a bigger monitor helps a lot.

Learn about the hardware that will help your gaming.

Computer Hardware Home

Computer Hardware 1

Computer Hardware 2
Video Cards

Computer Hardware 3

Computer Hardware 4
Hard Disks

Computer Hardware 5

Computer Hardware 6

Computer Hardware 7
Building vs Buying

By going to these pages first, you should see quick results, and then build your gaming skills by reading the additional pages as you need to.
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