Remember, you can talk trash without being vulgar, disrespectful or obnoxious. That's the goal, talk trash, but don't make yourself look like trash. If you talk a good game, and can back it up, then people respect you. If you're in last place and talking trash, then people laugh at you.
Same with vulgar and rude comments, people don't laugh, they get disgusted. NEVER get vulgar and disrespectful to the ladies in a server, you will have 30 or more people giving you grief if you do.
There's a lot of ways to talk trash, without making yourself look bad. If you say, "You're stupid", then you just look dumb. On the other hand, if you say, "Do you have 5 fingers or 6?", then people will get a laugh out of it. You never want to get personal, or say things that are hurtful. People play the game for fun, don't ruin it for them.
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