Permutations are the difference between winning and frustration. In real world situations, permutations are controlled by gravity and physics. In a FPS permutations are controlled by software engineers and designers.
Each game will handle the subtle differences of gravity and physics differently, so you need to look at some of the small things to get the big picture about how the gameplay will be. |
Weapon trajectories are the biggest thing that the software will effect. How well the bullets follow a real world trajectory will greatly influence the effectiveness of the weapons. Most guns will shoot up and to the left, as the recoil forces the gun up, and the cases eject to the right. Most games the gun will either have no recoil, or will recoil up only. Gravity is another thing that can be easily changed in the games. In Delta Force 2 from Nova Logic, if you fell off a cliff, and hit water, the water would not stop you. So water and air had the same density to that game.Another important thing to look at is what happens when you get hit. Does a satchell you threw dissapear, or does it land? How long does your gun continue to fire? Do you get to spawn immediately, or do you wait? Another set of variables to look at is friendly fire. If friendly fire is off, what things can hurt your teammates, and what things can hurt the team? If you set a claymore down, will a teammate set it off by passing in front of it? Will it hurt the teammate? If they shoot it will it hurt them, and if you are in blast radius, will it hurt you? If you shoot your own claymore will it hurt you? With satchell charges, if put them on your own team's targets, what happens if you detonate them, a teammate detonates them, or an opponent shoots it and detonates it? All of these friendly fire attributes need to be looked at, people don't like getting hurt by friendly fire.If you can learn to use these small differences in each game to your advantage, you make more scores.
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