The leader of the team will have to be able to delegate responsibilities to other members of a team. The team leader may have one person build the website, another coordinate matches, and another for developing strategies. You want to see a team where everyone is involved, not just one person calling the shots. The final consequences come down on the team leader. The leader is there to take the blame when something goes wrong, and to hand out praises to others when something goes right.
The people on the team need to follow the basic guidelines set down by the team leader. Rules are made to be broken, but breaking them undermines the leadership of the team. It is better to bend the rules, and ask permission to break them. If other people see that the team leader is respected and followed, more people will join the team. The leadership is important, because every team needs some form of leadership, and teamwork is based on following a leader.
Michael, if you can't pass, you can't play.
- Coach Dean Smith to Michael Jordan in his freshman year at UNC
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
- Michael Jordan
"Teamwork is a bunch of people running around doing exactly what I say."
- Stanley Kubrick
Teamwork can be done in different ways, but it all starts with a leader, setting out a basic strategy.