First Person Shooter Strategies
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Movement and Camoflouge Home
Movement and Camoflouge 1
Mouse and Keyboard
Movement and Camoflouge 2
Juking and Dancing
Movement and Camoflouge 3
Tactical Movement
Movement and Camoflouge 4
Movement and Camoflouge 5
Movement and Camoflouge 6
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The first thing to look at in a game is...ghdfhgdfghdfg dfghdfgh dfh dfhg df hdfghdfgdfhdfgh df dfg fdghf dfg dfh dfhgdfgh dfh dfgh fd dfgh fdgh dfh fdh dfgh dfgh dfh dfhdfh.

The tactics, techniques and strategies on the site will apply to almost any FPS game, and the skills will help you to develop a confident and capable playing style.

This website will help to create a better gamer by teaching skills that are essential to most every type of First Person Shooter (FPS). Games are like porn, same basic things, with a slightly different look. However, games are not like women, if you spend time with a game, eventually you can figure it out.

Learning to play a FPS game in an online format can be frustrating, because some players have an edge due to the time they have been playing. Dieing repeatedly is not a fun and relaxing way to spend your time. By reading these tips, and applying them during games, you can go from the hunted to the hunter.

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